When Tiles and Links are created a display priority is added to them.
Tips for how to choose a priority. Take some time to think about the type of information you may use them for - partners, sponsors, logistics, registration, future events - and create your own rules for what should be higher/lower priority when they are added to a route or collection.
Priority can be set from 0 to 10.
10 is the highest priority with 0 being lowest priority.
A higher priority for a Tile means it will display first (ie to the left of a lower priority tile) see below the Register Now tile is a higher priority than Bus Info.
A higher priority for a Link means it will display above a lower priority link in the Menu. In the example below 'Register Here' is a higher priority than '2023 race results'
If a Links or Tiles have the same priority the one created most recently will display as highest priority.